Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Normal Day

I’ve been asked what a “normal day” is like here in Saudi Arabia. First of all, we start our work week on Saturday and end it on Wednesday. That leaves Thursday and Friday for weekends.

A normal day starts here about an hour and fifteen minutes before sunrise when the Muslims go to the first prayer. There is another prayer at sunrise and then everyone goes to work until mid-afternoon. Most people go home for a light noon meal and then a nap.

Work starts back up at 4:00 p.m. until the sunset prayer, the time of which varies of course depending upon the time of year. The sunset prayer is followed an hour and a half later by the final prayer of the day. Then the stores open back up again until midnight or 1:00 am.
It is not unusual at all to hear children playing outside at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning.

The normal day in Saudi Arabia follows the seasons and cycle of the rising and setting sun. For example, last summer on a Tuesday night, I was called by a friend of mine and asked to go to a barbecue at 8:30 pm. I went and didn’t get home until 4:00 am, just in time to get cleaned up and dressed for work. It was just another normal day in Saudi Arabia.

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