This is the entrance to the walled portion of the city of Rhodes built during the Christian Crusades (1470s). We really liked the other Greek Isles (especially Mykonos) but Rhodes was absolutely beautiful.
Some of the narrow streets were barely wide enough for a guy riding a scooter, while the doorways lead right out onto the street. Some of the streets were paved with the original rounded cobblestones that after a couple hours of wandering around were very uncomfortable to walk on.

The people of Rhodes have perfected fitting rectangular doors into the old arched doorways. Notice where stone has been added to narrow this doorway.
A heavy iron gate with windows for allowing the breeze in and for seeing who is outside without having to open the door.
Shady and outlined with ivy, this doorway was one of the more inviting we found.
A scene typical of Rhodes, this woman sits in the shade selling her wares.

Sitting in her stone doorway while there is an empty chair?
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
Thx for the comments...I appreciate them greatly. I do not have a copywriter..I am sure it shows!
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