The tour guides told us Mykonos has over 600 churches. Most are very small and were built by local sailors hoping they would bring them protection from their dangerous life on the seas.

Everything on Mykonos seemed freshly painted for a photo opportunity including this door and shutters. According to our guide, Kodak used to sell more film on Mykonos than any other place making it the "most photogenic" place on earth.
What can I tell you about this photo? We stopped to watch the sunset on a balcony overlooking the water and have a cool drink after our long and very windy trek around the seashore. As we left, I asked our waitress if she could close the door for just a moment so I could get a photo. She misunderstood me and I didn't have the heart to explain so this is what I got. After all, Mykonos IS the most photogenic place on earth. That is my story and I am sticking to it!
Our seaside window view.
I highly recommend you visit Mykonos if you ever have the opportunity. My photos do not show its true beauty.