A scene typical of Rhodes, this woman sits in the shade selling her wares.
Sitting in her stone doorway while there is an empty chair?
A scene typical of Rhodes, this woman sits in the shade selling her wares.
Sitting in her stone doorway while there is an empty chair?
What can I tell you about this photo? We stopped to watch the sunset on a balcony overlooking the water and have a cool drink after our long and very windy trek around the seashore. As we left, I asked our waitress if she could close the door for just a moment so I could get a photo. She misunderstood me and I didn't have the heart to explain so this is what I got. After all, Mykonos IS the most photogenic place on earth. That is my story and I am sticking to it!
Our seaside window view.
I went to a traditional Saudi Arabian wedding the other evening and on looking back at my blog postings I really feel compelled to share a few more photos and stories from our summertime
On one cruise ship stop we negotiated for a cab to take us from the Crete