My immediate neighborhood is about 8/10ths of a mile all the way around with 55 houses or villas as they call them here, of which less than half are occupied. With that many hiding places for a cat to choose from I haven’t been actively trying to find Salty Saudi Kitty's kittens. I figure when they are old enough to eat solid food they’ll be around my back porch often enough. Nothing is more fun to watch than little puppies or kittens play so I admit I have been anticipating seeing them.

My co-worker, Russ, is coming back from vacation soon so I was doing a little bit of work on his car when SSK appeared. I searched around a little and she had hidden the kittens behind Russ’ house in a lantana bush. They’re real cute but are feisty enough to hiss and howl if you pick them up. I tried to handle them a bit, so they’ll get used to people, and paid for it with a couple scratches here and there.
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