I went to Bahrain yesterday for a short visit. I had to make the trip to keep my visa valid, but that is another story to tell some other time. I left the house around 5:00 am for the 4+30 hour drive expecting to see the sunrise and lots of camels, goats and sheep. I have only driven down there twice and both times there were herds everywhere.
The first 100 miles of the trip is very flat, and unless you see a herd of sheep goats or camels here or there, it is totally void of remarkable features. This is the part of the desert where I met dhub (see one of my earlier posts if you are not familiar with dhub the lizard). I drove with only my headlights lighting the way and anticipated the sunrise. I know there are Bedouins living in this area, but without any man-made lights or sunlight of any kind, it is total darkness and you can only guess where they may be. Not to mention the fact they’re spread out miles away from each other and are always moving their tents for better pastures.
I saw the suncome up and after one stop for benzene (that is what gasoline is called at the pumps here) I pulled into Al Khobar on time and met Anwar, from India, at none other than the Holiday Inn! I am not allowed to take my vehicle outside the Kingdom so I had arranged to meet Anwar to take me across the causeway. What a gorgeous day for a visit! Not only did I not have to drive, which allowed me to sit back, relax and take some photos, it was perfectly clear and around 70 degrees.
I had never been across the causeway and didn’t realize it was such a short trip. I think it is something in the range of 15 miles of bridges. A couple are high enough so ships can make their way underneath, while some are on little manmade islands and finally others are on concrete pillars sunk onto the sea floor. The view of the Gulf was spectacular and I enjoyed it very much.
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