One 2-meter long pole sharpened at one end
One butchered sheep
Baking twine
Hot coals
3.5 - 4 Hours of roasting
12-15 friends
(One small 45-50 lbs. sheep easily serves 12)
We basically skewer the sheep. Tie it's backbone to the pole in a couple places. Then tie it's front and hind legs to the pole. We put in onions, garlic and a little salt inside it's internal organ cavity with the kidney and liver. Sew the cavity closed with the baking twine and then roast it over the hot coals. It takes awhile, but if you've ever cooked out on the open fire while camping, you'll have an idea of how good this tasted when we finished!
David and Ray waiting for the feast
David, Ray and Mohamed Giving Their "Seal of Approval"